Business donation
Support crane conservation by a business donation

Your company wants to support our crane conservation work? Please contact us. There are several possibilities to help us.

Here are some proposals:

  • Submit us a donation – and we will public-oriented say thank you.
  • become a supporting member of Crane Conservation Germany and you can present your supporter certificate at your company
  • install a donation box at the entrance of your company
  • donating a live-project godparenthood with your whole team
  • Please give donations in kind or vouchers, e.g. your self-produced products
  • make a team excursion to our NABU-Crane Centre. For a donation you will get an exclusive crane excursion during the main crane staging season in spring or autumn
© Dr. Günter Nowald
Many thanks for your support

We especially thank all mentioned companies for their support of our work:

© Crane Conservation Germany 2017-2019

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