Crane Working Group of Eurasia

The Crane Working Group of Eurasia (CWGE) was founded in year 2000, about 10 years after the Crane Working Group of the former Soviet Union stopped their work. The main goals of CWGE are to collect and spread information about the distribution, threats and conservation activities of the different crane populations in Russia and the rest of the world.

The working group conducts regional research and conservation projects as well as environmental education programs and regularly publishes a newsletter. The CWGE is a cooperation partner of the International Crane Foundation and also works closely together with other crane conservationists, like people from the European Crane Working Group.

If you have questions about the CWGE and their work, you can also contact the head of the working group, Elena Ilyashenko, directly.

Cover of the CWGE Newsletter No. 12, 2013
© Crane Conservation Germany 2017-2019

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