Migrating cranes

Reports of migrating cranes are collected to learn more about the spatiotemperal changes of the crane migration in Germany. Therefore we look for detailed reports of migrating cranes, which should include information about flock size, place, date and time, weather conditions, migration directions, behaviour and flight altitudes.

Previously we only collected that kind of information at the NABU-Crane Centre directly. Since a few years we closely cooperate with the Federation of German Avifaunists (DDA) and their online reporting system at Here you can easily report observations of migrating cranes. All your reports are collected there and can be used afterwards for the conservation work of Crane Conservation Germany, e.g. for statements against development/construction projects. Observers, that don’t like to report at, can alternatively continue to report at our website using a special reporting form.

Due to the large amount of migration reports by many dedicated crane observers, the migratory routes of crane across Germany can be easily recognized (see map). Many thanks for your report!

© (Kraniche auf dem Herbstzug: 01.-15.10.2016)
© Crane Conservation Germany 2017-2019

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