
Caught in the cold

© DIRECTO NATURA - Laguna de El Oso

Due to the sudden onset of winter in Spain some cranes have been caught in the cold. For example in El Oso (Castille and Leon, Spain). The video shows the sleeping ground on site with ice and snow. Together with the nature conservation center in El Oso (@lagunas.el.oso) - Lagunas de la Moraña - and SEO (@seobirdlife) Crane Conservation Germany has a successful cooperation project for the conservation of the cranes’ resting area and for the promotion of the environmental education in the nature conservation center since 2014.

Caught in the cold is among others our 13.6 year old crane from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. On 14th of June 2007, the crane was ringed as young bird between Karow and Lübz with ELSA colored rings. Since 12th of November 2020, the female crane overwinters in El Oso. On 10th of January 2021, she was filmed by the camera.                                                                                         

By the way: you can see this video here on YouTube!

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© Crane Conservation Germany 2017-2019

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