
Crane counts in Germany have begun

Last weekend (17./18.08.24), the first nationwide census of the birds of happiness was carried out by Kranichschutz Deutschland (KD) at the known collection points. This annual survey is primarily used to record native birds. The crane populations in other regions of Europe are still on the ground, so we expect a good overview of the population status of our cranes. A first small influx usually only occurs towards the end of August.

The results are compiled for each federal state by so-called “Rastkoordinatoren” and then reported to the NABU-Crane Center. We turn this and other data into a beautiful crane journal, which our volunteers receive free of charge every year as a thank you. Others can purchase the journal in our store. The latest edition is almost completed and will probably be available from the end of October.

The synchronous counts continue until mid-February, so that not only the resting but also the wintering cranes in Germany are recorded.

© Dr. Günter Nowald

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