The fifth season "The autumn migration of the cranes" has begun
After a long summer with plenty of insects and fast growing chicks, it is now the time for our cranes to prepare for the long journey to the wintering areas. Since August, the local families started to leave their territories and gathered in small groups. Every day, new groups of cranes are reaching the important stopover site at the “Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft”. To guarantee a peaceful rest for the cranes at the one hand and on the other hand enable breathtaking moments for our visitors, the Team from the Crane Conservation Germany is supported by many volunteers.
The NABU Crane Centre is open daily from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm in September and October. Our large exhibition provides an insight into the life of these impressive large birds. An award-winning film (17 minutes) complements the exhibition. The small shop offers a wide range of products related to the crane.
The KRANORAMA, our modern observation station, is open daily from 9:00 to 18:00 until 25 October. There, you will have the opportunity to watch wild cranes feeding, resting and even dancing. Our crane rangers on the platform support the visitors with expert knowledge and observation equipment.
In addition, we offer various excursions. You can join our crane experts early in the morning to see the cranes waking up and departing from the roosting site, or wait in the evening for the cranes to fly back to the roosting site in breathtaking sunsets. If you are interested, better contact us soon. Some dates are booked out very fast.