We collect reports of staging cranes to evaluate the importance of different staging areas for cranes. During the main staging seasons in spring and autumn crane need special roost sites and feeding areas, where they can gather. Beside staging areas that are used for long periods by many cranes also a number of sites exist, that is used by smaller numbers for short periods. Nevertheless all kinds of staging areas and roost sites are important for cranes and need to be protected against negative impacts by human interventions (e.g. construction projects). The most important sites should also be protected permanently as nature reserves. Every crane report, we get from you is helping us in our conservation work. Please become active and help to conserve our cranes.
In an optimal way, each report of staging cranes should include information about: flock size feeding or resting habitat (e.g. shallow water, maize stubble, cereal stubble, newly sown field), behaviour details (feeding, sleeping, preening etc.) and of course place, date and time of your observation.
Previously we collected that kind of information at the NABU-Crane Centre directly. Since a few years we closely cooperate with the Federation of German Avifaunists (DDA) and their online reporting system at www.ornitho.de. Here you can easily report observations of staging, migrating or breeding cranes. All your reports are collected there and can be used afterwards for the conservation work of Crane Conservation Germany, e.g. for statements against development/construction projects.
The more reports we get, the better we can evaluate the importance of staging and roost sites, as well as spatiotemporal changes in site use by cranes. Such long-term data for instance exist for the region of the “Darß-Zingst bodden chain and island Rügen”. The map shows the feeding areas and roost sites as well as the flight paths between these areas during the main staging season in autumn. Such information was gathered in a special publication of the “Ornithologischer Rundbrief für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern” (volume 48, special publication 1) and covers all relevant staging areas in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.